Tire’s upkeep -Tire Maintenance Tips By Roadwarrior

A blown tire can ruin your journey as well as your day. In addition, tire trouble causes damage to your vehicle. When the tire blows without warning, it cost you money and time as well. During the journey, road debris makes a sudden puncture where you’ll feel nothing, but helpless. It is always a good idea to monitor and maintain your tire issues to prevent any further loss.
We, at Road Warrior Tires, sharing useful maintenance tips:

Tire Pressure

The tire type and your driving decide the PSI of your tires. The owner of the vehicle should have the manual containing recommended PSI for your stock tires. Generally, PSI should be around 30 to 35, thus there is 30 to 35 pounds of pressure per square inch. Check your tire at the air pump to make sure the tires are perfectly inflated.

Tread Depth

Avert uneven wear on the tire tread by decent tire inflation. With the time passage, your tires will wear down. This is the time to replace your tires.

Review on Sidewalls
For damage and wear, check the sides of your tire properly. Notice the cracks in the rubber, spots on the tire surface, and bends in the wheel rim. Poor alignment, low tire pressure or even careless driving results in damaged sidewalls. These all indicate that you need to repair or replace the tires immediately. The biggest cause of blowouts is thin sidewalls & cracks.
Above all, save your money & time with little maintenance and approaching help from tire experts in  Ag Tires Massachusetts.

To know anything about the tire, call us today! 

 Tires maintenance tips


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